the way of the superior man

10 things I Learned from “The Way of the Superior Man”

Have you ever wondered what a superior man looks and acts like or even how to be one? Maybe you’ve lost your path or purpose or not even found one yet. You’re just trying to finally get it together, to start working out, to start a business, but there’s always something missing.

As much as you try, you’re not able to get women, you don’t know how to act around them or know what they’re thinking and you’re annoyed because of it all…

Briefly, You’re just not where you want to be.

That’s the obstacle I faced before I started reading “The Way of the Superior Man”.

So I’d like to share 10 things with you that helped with all of the previous problems mentioned:

1) Discover Your Purpose, NOW!

Without a purpose, as a masculine man, you’re a nobody. No woman is going to help you achieve happiness like your purpose does. You may be happy for a while with your girl or your family, but that’s never going to be enough for a superior man.

You need something bigger to pursue, something you work towards your whole life, something to keep you alive, energetic, and free, something you have passion for.

The core of your life is your purpose, it’s the base of everything.

Without something to work towards, something to wake up to, you’re becoming tired, weak, and incompetent and then you wonder why no woman is interested in you, but that’s the hard truth you have to understand, there’s no way around it and never will be.

To be a superior man is to have a purpose.

Discover Your Purpose, Now!

2) Always Put your Purpose Ahead of your Relationship

Your mission is your priority and no relationship comes before that.

Your girl notices everything. Once you let go of your purpose, and she sees that she has become your priority, her attraction towards you starts to fade, she might not say it loudly and might even say to you that she wants to be your priority, but she’s just testing you without knowing it herself

As I said before, if you let go of your purpose, you’re weakening yourself and no woman wants a weak and unloving man, she wants a strong man, who takes care of her and is loving every second he’s with her. She wants a man who is present and awake.

Spend time with her, but only if you’re present and pursuing your purpose. You should spend time with her if you really want to be with her and not do anything else because a woman will always feel if your heart is not in the right place and both of you will feel dissatisfied

Tell your girl you love her, but you cannot deny your heart’s purpose.

A superior man always has his mission as his priority.

3) Stop Hoping for a completion of anything in life

Never think that things will change eventually, go with the flow and take everything that life throws at you. Learn to enjoy the process, because life is a never-ending cycle.

Do what you want to do and live fully because sometimes the process is worth more than the finish line.

Stop trying to fix your woman. If she’s mad, just give her love, hug and kiss her, but don’t try to bring end to anything that pisses you off, because women are not working the same way men do. 

Their life purpose is to be loved, the same as for a man is his purpose, so, before you try to fix her, look at yourself and think if you gave her enough love.

A superior man understands he can’t fix everything.

4) Find a Feminine Woman

Now, this article is for masculine young men. So, if you’re a bit more feminine, then you should find a woman who’s the opposite of you-a masculine woman.

Let me explain:

If you’re a masculine man, you don’t want your woman to be like you are, because opposites attract and if you want a woman who’s a bit more masculine, there’s not gonna be any attraction, at best you’ll just be friends.

But that’s not what you want in a relationship, you want an intimate loving woman who’s always by your side, whose eyes sparkle when she sees you, and who supports you.

The same goes for being friends with your mates. You’re likely to be much better friends with guys who share the same passion and interests with masculine essence

Do you have a friend who’s a bit more feminine? You don’t have a lot to talk about, don’t you? If you do, do enjoy it as much as talking with your masculine friends?

A superior man knows what woman to choose.

5) Never Change your Mind just to Please a Woman

You should always stay true to your beliefs, no matter what.

You are the rock for your woman. You are the man she trusts and if she can’t trust you with your decision-making, then she does not feel safe around you anymore and has to stand up for herself. 

Don’t get me wrong, you should always listen to your woman, but you make the last decision. When her suggestion is better, then you should make a new decision based on that perspective.

If you don’t trust yourself, then why should she?

You’re weakening yourself by letting go of your decision-making ability and trust me, she will feel if something is wrong.

A superior man trusts his guts.

 6) Enjoy your Friends’ Criticism

Real friends will criticize you for doing something wrong.

If they see that you’ve not been constantly going to the gym anymore, they’ll tell you to take yourself together, because you’re becoming fat and ugly again, so you’re not going to attract any women like that anymore.

That’s why it’s important to sometimes sit down with your friends and talk about things, because you know you can trust them. No woman is going to tell you the real truth like your friends do.

if they don’t tell you the truth, they’re not your real friends. So choose them wisely, live your life to the fullest.

Brutal honesty is the only way forward.

A superior man is always open for criticism.


7) Live as if your Father was dead

Live your life as a free man, no one should stop you from doing what you want to fulfill your purpose, not even your father.

You should not depend on other people’s opinions, because you make the last decision, even if you feel unworthy, scared, or limited.

Love your father, but be free of his expectations and criticism in order to be a free man.

A superior man does not depend on other people.

8) Be willing to Change Everything in your Life

Nothing should stop you from fulfilling your purpose. You must be able to give up your current lifestyle if needed to achieve greatness.

If you live your life to the fullest, you’ll soon discover your real purpose and if your woman is not ready to accept your plans, you must do it alone.

Be ready to leave absolutely everything behind, because success will not come easy. You have to work for the life you want and you have to fight for it.

Set up your boundaries and if someone does not accept them, you leave.

Never let a woman disrespect your beliefs.

Willingness to leave is the strongest aspect you have in life, because that way, nobody takes you for granted, especially in the relationship. If a woman sees you’re depending only on her, she’ll leave.

A superior man is ready to sacrifice everything to achieve greatness.

9) Don’t Force a Woman to Make Decisions

You should make the decisions in the relationship. Your woman just wants you to guide her and as said before, you’re her rock she depends on.

Your job is to keep the dynamic of masculine and feminine polarity alive. It all depends on your actions and decision-making ability.

If you’re in the relationship, then you’ve probably had an argument about where she wants to go to eat and she says “Whatever you want to eat is fine by me”.

You need to be on the masculine side and make the best decisions by yourself if you want your woman to remain feminine and happy because it’s not normal for a feminine side to make those decisions.

Don’t let the feminine side make the decisions, it’s your job!

A superior man knows how behave around his woman.

10) Live with an Open Heart

Nobody wants to live in a world full of lies. A superior man is free in feeling and action, even if he’s hurt. He feels the love around him and lives with an open chest.

The lies you tell will gather around you and make you weaker, they create a layer on top of you, so one day nobody even recognizes your true self.

Your girl will always see through you, so be honest or at least, don’t lie.

The way of the superior man is to live an honest life.

I recommend this book to every masculine young man because this book is an absolute cheat code to understanding women and most importantly, who you are supposed to be as a man. So I hope it was a great introduction for you to start reading it and good luck! 

Get yourself “The Way of the Superior Man” from here:



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