fear of women

3 Ways to Get Over your Fear of Women (easy guide)

Have you ever met a girl on the street and thought about going up to her to say hi and ask for her number, but then you start panicking, starting to feel tense and anxious? Making up different scenarios in your head about what could go wrong and how you should act?

Well, then you’re in the right place because we’ve prepared 3 aspects to help you become better at interacting with women.

1) Breathe fully

First and most important point when it comes to cold approaching a woman fearlessly is to breathe fully. This is the number one key for you to navigate your entire life, whether you want to make more money, get more views on YouTube, get higher grades in your school work or attract more women.

Breathing properly is going to help you with 100% of your life, especially when it comes to these things which add a lot of nervousness and awkwardness,for example, cold approaching a girl. That’s when your stomach and your whole body will tighten up and tense, and that’s what makes you feel so awkward and scared.

It’s just something that you’ve got to remind yourself of 50 times a day to let your body relax and to purposely breathe a little bit harder through your nose and to push the air so that your stomach kind of pushes outwards. Really, all it takes is one forceful full breath before you go and do something hard, and you will be in that sort of cool, relaxed mode.

You know how there have been times when you spoke to a girl and you were in that cool mode? Guaranteed, that was when you were breathing properly. And you know when there have been times when you spoke to a woman and you actually have felt so stupid and awkward? Guaranteed, it was because you weren’t even breathing.

We think that the reason why you might struggle with girls is because you don’t have enough money, you’re not attractive enough. Those could be influences, but if you’re not even breathing properly and you’re there with a tight stomach, you’ve got nervous, jittery eyes, you’re not heeding these fundamental things.

Having money, having looks, none of that’s going to matter, because you’ll just feel so awkward to be around.

So, try this:

Take one full breath. Now, take one full breath all the way down to your lower stomach. The next time you want to go speak to a girl, whether it’s a cold approach or even a girl that you’ve spoken to all the time, or even in a social circle with guys, remind yourself to breathe so fully that your stomach bulges outward.

Guaranteed, that the next time you see a girl that you could cold approach, we guarantee that if you get that thought to breathe fully before you do it, it will be that cool version of you. That will be the version of you that goes up and speaks to her, where you’ll have a deeper voice, you’ll speak to her in such a flirty way.

You will feel much stronger in yourself. Of course, you will because if you’re not going to breathe properly, what signal is it sending to her? What message is it sending to her? Think about it.

What message is her primal brain forming when she subtly picks up on the fact that you’re so tense, and you’re so scared and anxious that you’re not breathing right?

Well, it tells her that you are below her, that speaking to her right now is not natural for you, that you aren’t that high status, that she’s so much higher than you because you’re scared. And what does her primal brain send to her body? You know the message when you come over and you’re completely relaxed?

It shows that you are on her level or even more so. Subconsciously, she’s thinking about the fact that this is actually somewhat of an abnormal experience for you to be speaking to her. You’re so relaxed with it. It shows this power imbalance on your side and makes you more attractive.

2) Command your Legs to Walk Towards Her

The second technique that helpes you achieve success in cold approaching is you need to command your legs to walk towards her the moment you have seen her.

3 Ways to Get Over your Fear of Women (easy guide)


So, you’ve heard of the 3-2-1 rule,which is, okay, we see a girl, and we need to go and approach straight away. Because if you don’t speak to her almost straight away, that’s when all the negative thoughts, anxiousness, and everything build up, and you get so scared.

So, it’s a lot better the moment you see a girl to just go up fast with a bit of energy to speak to her.

So, if that’s not working for you, don’t worry, we got you another solution: “Command your legs to just walk towards her the moment you’ve seen her.” Turn your brain off!

Imagine you’re in the gym and doing your set. The moment you see the girl that you could potentially speak to, you just start mindlessly walking towards her while you breathe fully.

Because if you don’t move your legs towards her, that’s when you’ll overthink it. You’ll think to yourself, “Maybe I should speak to her. Maybe I should do this.”, you’re hesitating to approach her. That’s when you’ll cope with that. That’s when you’ll think to yourself, “Maybe I should speak to her.” Maybe I should do this.

But if you start thinking “Should I approach her?” That’s when the anxiousness of this event builds up, before you even realize, you’re gone. You have to speak to her right away.

The most attractive approach is when you’ve just made eye contact with a girl, and you start walking over straight away. Women won’t say that this is attractive, but it really helps to get them.

It’s because she will become nervous, as if you make eye contact with a girl, and you walk over there confidently, in a sense it’s going to make her freeze straight away.

If you make eye contact with a girl and then you sit around for a bit and you keep looking over to her, and she can tell that you want to speak to her but you’re just delaying, you’re wasting time. You can pretend you’re busy, that you’ve got to do something on your phone first. “Oh, I’m just going to hit this set first.”

You can pretend all you want. But a girl can tell when you’re interested in her. So, when she sees you delay it for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or if you don’t even approach at all, it’s not going to look as cool.

If you go straight away, you’re full of energy, you’ve turned your brain off and you’re commanding your legs to walk towards her. You’ll be so much smoother, and it’ll have a better impact on her.

3) Just Talking to Her is Progress, fear is not an option

The final piece of advice I want to give you is if you just say one word to her, it’s progress. Think about how many attractive girls you’ve ever walked past in your life, probably like a thousand, right? Maybe 10,000. Think about it.

How many attractive girls have you ever spoken to? Maybe 200, at most, right? Most probably even walked past tens of thousands of attractive girls before and you’ve only spoken to tens of them, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, that’s it. So, if you imagine it like sales and entrepreneurs will know this, if you imagine your funnel right now, the top of the funnel is you just putting your eyes onto a woman.

That part of the funnel, there’s lots of women there. But from that part to the next stage of the funnel, which is you opening up your mouth and saying one word to them, it significantly gets cut off. The funnel, the pipe has significantly got constrained there.

Then, from the ones that you speak to, you might agree with this when it comes to cold approaching, from the girls that you actually speak to, the success rates from speaking to them in person and maybe getting their Instagram or number, is actually kind of high. A lot of the girls that you cold approach, you end up getting their numbers and Instagrams, and a lot of the girls whose numbers and Instagrams you get, you end up meeting them for a date.

So, the funnel is kind of nice from that point. But it’s just like you see thousands of women in your life, but you’ve only spoken to less than a hundred of them. This is the constraint right now in you being able to level up your dating skills and maybe go find the woman that you actually really want to be with, maybe even the woman that you want to have children with. It’s simply you do not say the first word to them. You just say no words to them at all.

If you say one word to a woman, that’s huge progress for the majority of guys, especially if it’s in this high-volume mindset. You’re traveling or you go to the city, and you’re coming across 10, 50 attractive women per day, and you speak to usually none of them or maybe one on a good day.

And if you think about it, if you just say one word to her and she doesn’t even stop for you, she doesn’t listen, she doesn’t hold eye contact, she even looks at you weird, you just said one word, that would still be huge progress. So, the barrier to success for you right now is actually very low.

So here’s your actionable step for this post:

go on a cold approach within 24 hours from now. All you have to do is look for a woman you’ve never spoken to before and just say at least one word to her. That’s it.

Now, if you can have an awesome conversation, and you can see that you’re compatible with her, that’s even more amazing. Right now, maybe you could even multiply this by 10, go say one word to 10 women within 24 hours.

Remember, people often overthink in these situations which will make them forget the basics. There’s no need to rush with these things, take your time, have fun, and most importantly: BREATHE, ACT and IMPROVE.

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