successful man

5 ways to become a high-value man (ultimate guide)

Hey you, listen now very closely, because the life for the top 1% of men is better than it has ever been. And for the other 99 percent of men, it is more depressing than it has ever been.

You see, contrary to what they tell you in the media, life for a man is actually quite hard. It’s a video game where you start right at the beginning, at level zero, and every single day you have to work to level up.

If you don’t, some other guy will, and that guy will take the money that could have been yours, the life that could have been yours and even the wife that could have been yours. And I really want you to let that sink in.

I want you to imagine right now your dream woman. How does she look like? How does she carry herself? What kind of an incredible mother is she to your future children? How proud are you to have her by your side?

Now I want you to imagine her with another guy. Make it graphic. Make it sting. Make it hurt because you just lost your future wife, the future mother of your children, to another man because you decided you’re going to play some video games while the other guy, every single day, put one foot forward in front of the other and leveled up and left you behind. That is the cold, harsh reality for men. It is competition 24/7. There is no rest, and that is precisely why you need to become a high-value man.

1) Remove any crutches: work on your insecurities and past traumas 

The first step in order to become a high-value man, a You need to remove any crutches. Let us explain:

You should be rich. You should have a good body. You should have abundance with women. But if you use those as crutches, then you simply can’t be high-value. Everyone thinks that they’re going to get a six-pack, and then, all of a sudden, here you are, high-value. Or they think they’re going to get rich. They think, “Well, once I’m rich, I’m a high-value man.” No, you’re not, because you need to understand, especially when you’re dealing with a certain caliber of guy or a certain caliber of girl, it’s a normality. Everyone has a good body. Everyone’s rich. It’s expected to even just get into the room. It’s a prerequisite. 

You need to remember this, it’s at least a 5-year journey containing constant hard work every day!

2) Reimagine the timeline and understand that it may take several years to achieve this status.

The next way to become a high-value man is to reimagine the timeline.  Most guys think that they’re going to become a high-value man within one or two years, and it’s simply not going to happen.

It’s not going to happen in less than five years, because there’s so much internal work that goes along with it. First you do, and then you become. Every time someone gets success, they then need to fully integrate into that identity and into that success.  It is a long, long process.

But what’s your other option? Because there is a guy right now who’s robbing you of your future life because you simply refuse to face your insecurities, your past traumas, all the things that most people don’t really talk about.

But all the reasons why when you hang out with influential guys, when you hang out with girls, they’ll be able to read through you. They’ll be able to see even though you look like you’re the man, you’re just a little boy. And until you work on that, you’re never going to be able to attract the people that you want in your life. And it’s a journey. It’s a process.

3) Build wealth and financial stability, as money is an essential aspect of being high-value.

high-value man

It’s simple. Money. You need to have a lot of it.”Oh, money doesn’t matter. Social skills are the only thing that matters. No, you need to be good with women. No, you need to be confident. You need to have good body language. No, you need to be emotional.”

What are they talking about? If you’re not rich, you are a broke man. Nobody cares how good your social skills are. Nobody cares how good your game is. Nobody cares how many people you’re helping. You’re broke.

And there’s this nonsense about, “Well, if you can pick up any girl that you want, what’s the point of being rich?” You’re broke. You need to get as rich as possible because it doesn’t matter how good you get with girls, if you’re not high status, it’s only going to get you so far. Think about this. You want to become the best version of yourself.

Imagine the best version of yourself, imagine the most attractive, charismatic, confident guy. Just imagine that, that is the best version of yourself, that’s the goal. Then imagine you take that version of yourself and now he has a lot of money. He’s rich. Well, who do you think he’s going to attract? He’s going to attract the best women, the most attractive women, the most charismatic women, the best women. He’s going to attract the best of everything because he’s the best guy. That’s the kind of person that you need to strive to become. And once you’ve become the best, the most attractive version of yourself, well, then you need to do everything in your power to make as much money as possible.

4) Develop strong social skills and be a part of the social circles where high-value women are found.

You need to have social skills. All the money in the world, all the status in the world, all the game in the world is not going to get you a single step closer to the kind of women that we talk about.

The kind of woman that you actually want in your life, who’s going to be a great girlfriend, who’s going to be an amazing mother to your future children. Right now, they will not allow you in their world unless you are in the same social circle, unless you’re in the same scene as them.

They will never accept you. You have to be in the same social circle, in the same world as these high-value women. And this is why there are so many dating coaches talking about, “Well, I don’t have any money, but I have a great social circle, and I have great social skills.” Well, that’s awesome, but you will never meet the girls unless you are in the same social circle.

This is something that most people won’t talk about. You need to have money to get in the door to these social circles, but then you also need to have great social skills to get these kinds of women to want to be around you. And there’s more to it. This is a massive rabbit hole that we can go down. There’s many guys now saying, “No, you don’t need game. You just need social skills.”

No, you need game as well. Social skills is simply a part of game. Game is simply a part of being high-value, a high-value man.

5) Have game and be confident in your interactions with women while treating them with respect and confidence.

And last but not least, you also need game. You need to be good with women, and you need to be confident. And just to be clear, we’re not telling you to lie to women or to manipulate women or to mistreat women in any way.

You just need to be confident and you need to understand the dynamics between men and women. And you need to be skilled at interacting with women in a way that is attractive to them. This is a crucial aspect of becoming a high-value man, and it’s often overlooked by many men who focus solely on the external aspects like money and looks.

Having game means you know how to attract women and create meaningful connections. This includes having good conversation skills, knowing how to build sexual tension, and understanding what women are looking for in a partner. Confidence is a key component of game, and it’s something that women find highly attractive.

When you’re confident, you’re more likely to approach women, express your intentions, and take the lead in dating and relationships. It’s important to note that confidence should be based on genuine self-improvement and self-assurance, not on arrogance or overcompensation.

Being a high-value man is about being the best version of yourself, and that includes being confident in your own skin.

So, in summary, here are the five key elements to becoming a high-value man:

  1. Remove any crutches and work on your insecurities and past traumas to become a truly high-value man.
  2. Reimagine the timeline and understand that it may take several years to achieve this status.
  3. Build wealth and financial stability, as money is an essential aspect of being high-value.
  4. Develop strong social skills and be a part of the social circles where high-value women are found.
  5. Have game and be confident in your interactions with women while treating them with respect and confidence.

Becoming a high-value man is a long-term commitment that requires continuous self-improvement and personal development. It’s about more than just external factors; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself in every aspect of life.

2 thoughts on “5 ways to become a high-value man (ultimate guide)”

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