control your life

6 ways to Regain Control of Your Life (powerful results)

It has never been harder to win than right now. Why?

Because every single day you are frying your brain, killing your attention span, and killing your focus. You’re killing your testosterone, and because of all of that, you are killing your chances of achieving success.

The average person has a worse attention span than a goldfish, and that’s who you’re competing against.

What that means is that just with the tiniest bit of discipline and work ethic, you are already ahead of 90% of people. You need to understand that your ability to control your urges is directly correlated to your success.

If you cannot control yourself, if you cannot discipline yourself, you will never be successful. It is simply impossible, and that is why it’s so important for you to master your urges.

Right now, we’re going to give you the only 6 steps you need to regain control of your life.

1. Stop Watching P*rn

P*rn in the realest sense, fries your brain and robs you of focus. There have been multiple studies that link p*rn usage to the erosion of your prefrontal cortex, that part of your brain that regulates your emotions, your actions, and, more importantly, your impulse control and willpower. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

There is a laundry list of negative side effects that have been linked to porn use because porn use has similar effects on the brain as substance abuse. P*rn has been linked to issues like decreased focus, increased anxiety and depression.

P*rn has also been linked to trouble in long-term relationships and, of course, impotency. A lot of young men are experiencing sexual issues like erectile dysfunction because their brain has been rewired. It’s unfortunate because these young men have consumed so much porn that their neural pathways have changed.

They’ve effectively trained themselves to be aroused by watching others do the deed instead of doing it themselves. P*rn users even report that they are less satisfied with their lives than their counterparts who don’t watch it.

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2. You Need to Stop Pleasuring Yourself

Of course, it’s addictive, and yes, it’s been normalized in today’s day and age, but there is absolutely nothing healthy about it.

Every time you do it, your dopamine surges. Your brain realizes that you have accomplished what is supposed to be man’s highest goal, to procreate. You are essentially telling your brain that you’ve done the most important thing you’ll do all day.

Now, of course, you know that it’s not true, but the neurons firing in your brain do not, and that is why you are rewarded for it. It’s cheap dopamine because you are tricking your own brain into giving you dopamine you have not earned.

And that’s why your ability to focus and your ability to do hard things plummets because how do you think the real world will stack up to the dopamine and other chemical releases that you’re getting from doing the very thing we have been evolutionarily designed to do?

Well, the answer is it won’t stack up at all.

No wonder you can’t focus when your dopamine receptors are so fried. This is why you can’t focus. Of course, everything else will feel boring when you’ve just done the dirty business. And this is why you need to stop.

So you ask yourself, why do so many young men keep doing it?
Because they are addicted.

They are addicted to cheap dopamine in the same way that people get addicted to drugs. P*rn and masturbation are the most difficult addictions to break because of the insane dopamine spike that is caused by it.

Now, here’s the key difference:

p*rn and masturbation will then make your dopamine levels fall way below baseline, and that’s where those lethargic feelings come from afterward. That’s the exact same dopamine curve you get from drugs. So then, that really starts to beg the question:

how do you stop?

And here is where it gets interesting. You see, an addiction to porn and masturbation isn’t actually rooted in anything sexual at all. And that leads us onto the next step of how you can regain control of your life:

3. Find Your Purpose

There’s a study where they tried to figure out what causes these addictions, and the answer may surprise you.

It wasn’t actually any form of perversion; it wasn’t childhood trauma; it wasn’t extraordinary libido. Instead, it was something far simpler, far more rudimentary. It was meaninglessness. Simply put, if you don’t have a purpose, if you don’t have a goal, if you don’t have something that you are striving towards, then you are more likely to devolve into these addictions.

Now, the good news is, it’s fixable.

Every man should have that purpose, that something that thrives him forward. You simply need something better to do with your time than give in to your urges.

What that something is will depend on the person.

We all need something to guide us. For some, it may involve embarking on a business venture, while for others, the path could be entirely different.

4. Stop consuming Soft P*rn

Soft porn can be just as detrimental as explicit porn, as it saturates our daily lives. Half-naked women can be found everywhere, from endless scrolling on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where algorithms are designed to cater to our desires.

To maintain focus and self-discipline, it is necessary to unfollow Instagram models and TikTok creators who often engage in provocative content.

These distractions erode your focus and hinder your progress. While it may seem trivial, it’s not. Most often, people don’t randomly decide to watch explicit content; there’s typically a trigger.

To quit such habits, eliminating these triggers is crucial, and this includes avoiding soft porn as well.

One effective way to retrain your mind is to label these types of content as “not interested” to teach the algorithm not to show them to you. In an ideal scenario, quitting platforms like TikTok and Instagram altogether can be a beneficial choice if they don’t directly contribute to your personal or professional growth.

5. Shift your Focus Inwards, not Outwards

The major problem with a sexualized brain lies in the changes that occur in the dopamine system. An oversexualized brain becomes addicted to quick and easy dopamine releases, making it challenging to engage in sustained, focused work.

To counter this, you need to develop the skill of delayed gratification. Instead of constantly seeking external sources of stimulation and dopamine, you must learn to find fulfillment within yourself. This isn’t to say you should cut out all sources of pleasure but to carefully consider what enhances or hinders your personal development.

Dopamine serves as a reward system, reinforcing behaviors that increase your chances of survival. In today’s world, social media and food have hijacked this system, but with practice, you can shift your brain’s focus towards more constructive and fulfilling endeavors.

In the grand scheme of things, the key is to regain control over your actions and thought patterns. It’s essential to resist the allure of instant gratification and instead turn inward. This process leads to the desexualization of your mind, allowing you to align your actions with your long-term objectives.

6. Stop chasing Women

it’s crucial to shift your focus away from pursuing romantic relationships and prioritize self-improvement. Constantly chasing after women, juggling multiple dating prospects, and preoccupying your thoughts with various romantic interests will only hinder your ability to concentrate.

The beauty of this approach is that, as you continue to build yourself into a person of substance, you’ll naturally attract the right kind of people, including women, into your life. The women you can attract at the beginning of your journey don’t compare to what you’ll draw later on.

Quality women often gravitate towards quality men, so invest time in becoming the best version of yourself in all aspects, not just financially.

Additionally, pursuing high-quality women early on can demand an enormous amount of effort and resources. It’s crucial to consider the opportunity cost. Dating can be a major distraction, particularly when you’re in the early stages of building your career or business.


The first steps in any journey are often the most challenging, which is why they demand your undivided attention. If you can focus solely on your goals for 1 to 3 years, you’ll set a strong foundation for the future. It’s delayed gratification that will pay off in the long run. Continually thinking about different romantic interests will prevent you from desexualizing your mind and concentrating on what truly matters. Once you master this focus, everything else will naturally fall into place.

So, gentlemen, prioritize self-improvement and maintain your focus.

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