man and woman arguing

Can your girl be friends with other guys?(eye-opening solution)

Have you ever had an argument with your girl about a topic like: Can a man and a woman be friends? “But he’s just a friend, I already talked to him about this and he was fine with it!” or “he’s like a brother to me!”, sounds familiar, right?

So then you would want to ask another question. Can a woman be friends and just friends with a guy?

In theory, yes, men and women think differently about such things and may not always understand each other’s minds, but you have to wonder if her answer is genuine, is she trustworthy? Is she really on your side or just playing with you? If your relationship is based on truth and trust, then yes, she may think about her boy bestfriends as her genuine friends.

Would you want that experience of your life for your woman to be friends with guys?

The logical answer would be a “NO”. After all, what an awful experience it is to date a girl who’s got close guy friends you know would jump in bed with her if they got the chance. Eventually, you’re there to build a relationship with her not share your girl with other guys.

Can your girl be friends with other guys?(eye-opening solution)


So, what should you do?

Of course, women may not understand what men think and what are their intentions, but it’s your job as her man to provide her with the right information. Effective communication is everything. Explain her that most guys are just Chumps and so the guys who want to sleep with the girl don’t actually make their intentions known and they’ll happily wait months or even years to just try to get them into bed. Most guys will try and befriend your girl, pretend they’re just friends, hoping that eventually they’ll be able to have s*x with her.

What if she still won’t believe you?

Set her an ULTIMATUM. Eventually, it all comes down to who’s more important to her. You or her male friend. You need to set some kind of boundaries that can’t be crossed in the relationship. If you are not interacting with other girls then it’d be more than fair if your girl is doing the same. If you mean so much to her, then eventually she would choose you and sacrifice her relationship with her male best friends to focus on the relationship you have. If she’s not ready for that kind of sacrifice for the well-being of the relationship, then is it even worth trying for?

The positive thinking process from the girl side would then be…”This relationship means a lot to me and male friends mean a lot less so I’m willing to sacrifice something for the the greater thing.”

girl and boys

How to solve it?

A basic task is to ask your girl to text her male friend and say something similar: “I broke up with my boyfriend, I’ve always wanted to be with you, will you come over right now?” without being too obvious of course, and the male friend would almost always fall into the trap.

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