attractive women

How to become more attractive to women? (6 proven solutions)

Every man sometimes wonders “How are these other guys so good with women and I’m always so lonely? They talk so smoothly, look so good, they’re not anxious or awkward like me…”

“How can I become the high-value man who every woman wants to date?”

my friend you’re in the right place, because right now, we’ll show 5 ways to become more attractive to women

At first, remember that these things take time to master so don’t overwhelm yourself and start with the little steps we’re going to show you today, because there are no shortcuts in life if you want to become a real high-value man, because tough times create strong men.

1) Be present

— having a relaxed body, being here right in the moment without the mind wandering.

This is one of the greatest weaknesses for many men. We’re able to obsess over a goal that means a lot to us, maybe when we were growing up it was about video games, and we were constantly thinking about how we’d get to the next level of the video game. But video games just strip our masculinity from us.

Instead of working in the real world, we put it into the virtual world. We bring that same energy when it comes to dating, and so many of us will go on a date with a girl, or you know, we’ll be next to our girlfriends or wives, and we’re not even present next to them. This is one of the key reasons why many women feel unloved and eventually end up divorcing or cheating.

You can be physically next to your woman but if you’re not mentally present, she can’t help but feel unloved and think that you are a little bit of a weaker man because the strongest men are present.

When they’re next to their women, the strongest men are not only here right now but also relaxed.

2) Breathe deeply

When was the last time that you took a present breath today?

you may not have even had one breath that you took manually with presence and now we can imagine that you bring that same energy to your household to your family or to the girl that you want. Maybe it’s to the girl that you’re attracted to that you want to approach and how do you speak to her all tightened up?

your body is all restricted, you’re not breathing through your stomach, your breath stops near your chest.  Most of your power in life comes from your ability to breathe all the way down the front of your body and all the way back up the back.

 You appear lower status to the woman. It’s a  primal metric for her to look at. She will consider you lower status and less attractive if your breath isn’t full when you speak to her.

no one online speaks about this because you can’t really sell anyone a course on breathing properly and expect that anyone wants to buy that, right?

3) Have Social Proof

The third quality that women look out for, and many of them won’t actually agree with this, but it’s absolutely the case, and many guys who are good at attracting women know this, is social proof, specifically pre-selection.

Many women subconsciously look to see if you have other attractive, high-status women around you. This is why many guys who are very good at attracting women, will post subtle pictures on Instagram where they’ve got hot girls around them.

The women will see that you’re not some weird guy with no experience, but wanted by many women which means you got something that women value, therefore makes other girls want you too.

The high-value man walks in with beautiful women on his arm, not because he actually likes them, but because he wants to attract more women in that environment.

4) Develop modern-day status

The fourth quality that women find attractive, one that many won’t consciously tell you they’re looking for but are heavily drawn to, is modern-day status, specifically followers.

Many women won’t explicitly state this, but having a significant number of followers or subscribers triggers a primal attraction in her, placing you high up in the social hierarchy.

With status, women take the initiative, messaging first and suggesting dates at locations they choose.

Briefly, your dating life goes into “easy mode.”

Here’s a quick tip to grow on Instagram: Focus on growing on platforms like YouTube or TikTok first by posting videos, vlogs, educational content, or podcasts. Then, funnel your audience to Instagram.

This approach is more efficient than trying to grow organically on Instagram. However, be cautious about the pitfalls of social media, such as degeneracy, time-wasting, and dopamine dependence.

Use these platforms with discipline and willpower to leverage their potential as tools for spreading educational content and inspiring others.

5) Have high-value Friends

The fifth quality that women look out for is the level of your male friends. In general, you’re the average of the five people that you spend time with, and high-level men hang out with high-level men.

If you’ve got losers in your social circle who are broke, who watch p*rn, who don’t engage in productive habits, who only indulge in bad habits and are fine with playing video games and wasting their time, it’s going to be very hard for you to attract women.

They will judge you based on what your male friends are like. Every high-level man has a social circle of other high-value guys.

6) Women love a Certain Personality Style

The sixth quality that is very attractive to women is a certain personality style. It’s when a man is respectful but assertive.

 Many guys are either too weak, chumpy, or wimpy which isn’t attractive. Many guys are too negative, and hateful, which women are more attracted to than the former ones, but it still won’t get you the best-quality women.

Any woman who’s had a healthy relationship with her father doesn’t like these negative, hateful guys.

The bad boy personality may attract some women, but they aren’t high-quality women. Women are generally attracted to men who emulate qualities similar to their fathers. A woman with a high-quality father is usually high-quality herself.

A certain personality style that is respectful but assertive, polite but a little insistent, is attractive to women.

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