looksmax, looksmaxxing, beard, attractive, man

How to looksmax: 6-step looksmaxing guide for men

Ever wanted to improve your appearance? Felt like your appearance held you back from getting women? 

Want to improve from a mid 4/10 to an attractive 8/10?

Well, You have come to the right place cause in this article we talk only about improving your appearance through what is known as Looksmaxxing.

In this article we go through 10-steps which all help you improve your looks without any surgeries, starting from getting your shower routine correct to mewing.

The standards are getting higher each day so let’s not waste time. 

What is Looksmaxing?

Looksmaxing is any attempt to improve your appearance anything from a simple shower to changing your style.

The point being to make you more comfortable for others and especially to your mirror. With comfort within comes confidence and that is essential for getting women, having the courage to start your business and etc.

Looksmaxing is a bit like leveling up your character in a video game but in real life. It’s a trend where you make efforts to improve your appearance, kind of like upgrading your avatar to look more awesome. 

From basic stuff like taking care of your skin and grooming, to choosing stylish clothes and getting fit – it’s all about making tweaks to boost your confidence and feel great.

 Just like how you’d want your video game character to look their best, Looksmaxing is about making yourself look and feel like a top-tier version of you! 

It’s your own unique journey to becoming the best character you can be in the game of life.

Here´s the list of steps to Looksmaxing.

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1. Bodymaxing

looksmax, looksmaxing, man, aesthetic, fit, muscle

The first and the most important step of Looksmaxxing is Bodymaxing.

Bodymaxing is shaping your body to an ideal physique. Why is this the most important part of Looksmaxing is simple.

Cause nothing else matters when you are overweight.

But if you are overweight, you are actually in luck. Getting your diet in order and starting to go to the gym or exercise regularly can automatically make you go from a 3/10 to a 7/10 just by losing some weight.

  •  Clothes start to look amazing on you
  • Your confidence will rise through the roof
  • More people will acknowledge you, cause they know losing or gaining weight is hard
  • Your face shape will completely change, getting rid of that double-chin and having a chiseled face

With these positives you also reach the 40% of men who just are not obese, according to Centers for Disease Control research 60% of the population is overweight.

Let’s dive in to 3 ways to get fit and get into the 40%. Follow these steps and I guarantee that you will get your dream physique.

      1. Get 9 hours of sleep

You are obviously thinking how can 9 hours of sleep help you lose weight and gain muscle.

Well, when you don’t sleep enough your sleep hormone called Cortisol which plays an important role in the stress response and is responsible for managing your carbohydrates, fats, and proteins gets released. 

This tells your body to conserve more energy to stay awake. Basically meaning that your body is holding onto more fat because it thinks you are in survival mode in Antarctica.

     2. Drink one gallon or 3.7 litres of water per day

Again drinking water seems essential but have you ever thought about, do I really drink enough of it? Maybe that’s the reason for your “headaches”.

The Institute of Medicine recommends for every man over the age of 14 to drink 3.3 litres of water daily which is basically a gallon. And this can help you actually lose weight.

Researchers tested with 50 overweight people and instructed them to drink 300ml or 17 ounces which in cups is about 2.

They drank their 2 cups 30 minutes before they had breakfast, lunch and dinner for two weeks. The results were amazing, without doing any special diet or training they dropped 1.44kg

     3. Go to the gym 5 times a week

You obviously are thinking “5 times a week are you insane”. No, I am not.

Central for Disease Control recommends that an adult does atleast 150 minutes of intense physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity per week.

In other terms it means you have to go to the gym 5 times a week, 30 minutes a day.

Now all of a sudden that doesn’t sound that insane. Every human who has the courage to go, can complete this task, even You.

Combining these 3 things, with dedication and hard work you WILL lose weight and in a matter of time you start getting more muscle and getting closer to the dream body of yours. 

2. Teethmaxing

teethmaxing, smile, looksmax, looksmaxing

Having great teeth is an important biological thing that can make you perceived as more. 

  • Successful
  • Healthier
  • Attractive

The importance can be seen in the Match.com (dating site) survey where 5500 participants took part in. They found that 71% of women looked for straight white teeth  while on the first date. Thus being the one of the main traits for what women are looking for in a man.
That’s the reason all the celebrities seem to have perfect teeth cause they know the importance of having clean white teeth. You wouldn’t want to watch Leonardo DiCaprio have crooked yellow teeth while screaming “I’m king of the world”.

But they spend thousands of dollars on surgeries to achieve Teethmaxing. Obviously if you have that amount of money why not use it on Maxing your character but we don’t do it here. 
This is how you both straighten and whiten your teeth at home without paying thousands of dollars for surgeries and having to visit dentists all the time. 

  • Whitenening your teeth

Eat more fruits that contain more papain and bromelain

Both of these enzymes were studied and were found in teeth whitening gels that have strong whitening effects with minimal damage to the teeth itself.

Some examples of fruit that have these enzymes and can have the effect of whitening your teeth are pineapples and papayas.

  • Straightening your teeth

Sadly, there are no natural or free way to straighten your teeth but if there is an area to invest some money on Looksmaxing then it is definitely on straightening your teeth.

But there are free methods to prevent crooked teeth as they move over time.

For an example your breathing technique can play a big role on your teeth. 

mouth, breathing, nose, mewing, teethmaxing, looksmax, looksmaxing

Stop mouth-breathing. You don’t want to breath through your mouth because mouth-breathers develop long and narrow faces that cause your teeth to overcrowd themselves.

On the other hand nose-breathers during breathing, rest their tongue on the roof of their mouth. Applying extra outward pressure to your teeth and so keeping them in their place. This is better known as “mewing”.

Mouth-breathers drop their tongue to the bottom which causes the teeth to collapse inwards causing overcrowding and that long narrow face shape.

Another bad habit you need to get rid of is nail biting.

This causes your enamel to erode and chipping and cracking to occur on your teeth. And if you do it persistently it might make your teeth move causing them to overcrowd. No one wants to see a man or a woman bite their nails in the public so get rid of this habit either way.

3. Testosteronemaxing

It got even me thinking “how in hell can this help me improve my life” until i read about it more.

Testosteronemaxing is the process of increasing your testosterone levels to its upper natural limit. The average testosterone level has dropped each year by 1% meaning that in the 1990s a man your age had approximately 30% more testosterone than you right now.

But the more testosterone you have the more you max out as a man. The reasons are simple.

  • Your voice deepens
  • Increases your facial hair
  • Increases muscle and strength
  • Increases bone strength
  • Increases sperm production
  • More motivation

As you can see testosterone is almost like a superpower but the media doesn’t acknowledge the fact that many men have a lack in this hormone and cannot live to the fullest.

And don’t forget that women can sense and usually go for men that are more masculine therefore their testosterone levels are higher.

This is an easy chance for you to improve and it all starts from checking where are your testosterone levels right now. This can be done by getting blood work or going on Google and typing”at home saliva test kits”.

Your normal testosterone rate should be anywhere from 400(ng/dL) to 900(ng/dL).

If it is lower than 400 then you need to use these next steps to boost it.

      1.Sleep more

Most studies recommend around 7 hours of sleep because most of the testosterone is produced during sleep itself. So when you cut your sleep down you are also cutting your testosterone down because the time to produce it is now less.

      2. Eat foods that help boost testosterone

testosterone, testosteronemaxing, looksmaxing, looksmax, food

Many nutrients including vitamin D, magnesium and zinc are important for maintaining optimal testosterone levels. 

Here are some foods that consist of these nutrients and help you boost testosterone:

  • Fatty fish (salmon, sardines) – vitamin D, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids 
  • Dark leafy greens (spinach, kale) – magnesium
  • Cocoa products (powder, nibs) – magnesium
  • Avocados – magnesium and healthy fats
  • Eggs – healthy fats, protein

Your body needs fats to produce testosterone. In a 2021 review it was found that people with low-fat diets had lower testosterone levels than people with high-fat diets. 

It doesn’t mean that you start eating fast food to increase your hormones because it does the absolute opposite. Stick to foods with healthy fats and your good to go.

If you don’t like to eat fish then this next step is definitely for you.

      3. Take supplements

Taking supplements might cost you around 100 dollars per month but they are known to give you extra help on increasing your testosterone levels.

The list of supplements:

  • Fenugreek (500mg)- shown to boost free testosterone by 46%.
  • Ginger (300mg)-shown to boost testosterone by 17% after 12 weeks.
  • Zinc (30mg)- average increase of 53% after 6 months.
  • Ashwagandha (300mg)- shown to increase testosterone 10-22%.
  • Vitamin D(5000 IU)- increases free testosterone by 20%.
  • Shilajit (250mg) – increases testosterone by 20.45%.
  • Magnesium (1000mg)- increases testosterone in active people by 25%.
  • Saw Palmeto (2000mg)
  • Tongkat Ali (200mg)- increases testosterone by 37%.
  • Turkesterone (500mg)

This might seem a lot but choose some for the starting point.

Take them consistently every day and you start to feel that you have more libido, more motivated at work, you might even find that you finally started growing a beard.

       4. TRT

If sleeping longer and taking supplements don’t help then you have another shot at increasing your testosterone levels but it comes with a hefty price.

When your body doesn’t produce enough testosterone naturally the TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) can help you through injecting it. This therapy can cost you around 3000$ per month so we recommend trying the free and natural methods first because that makes your body produce it naturally.

4. Skinmaxing

skin, routine, skinmaxing, looksmaxing, looksmax,face

 The point of Skinmaxing is to achieve smooth evenly covered skin without any acne.  

Most of us do it wrong so I recommend forgetting everything you already did or did not do and read about these 3 steps that are scientifically proven to help skinmax.

      1. Use only 2 face products

There are really only 2 products that you need in order to keep your face clean and acne free

  • A face wash- to remove dirt and any pores from being clogged up.
  • Sunscreen- to protect your skin from any sun damage 

       2. Change your bedsheets

Your bedsheets contain sweat, dirt and dead skin cells which is the perfect food for all the bacteria.

Amerisleep study found that just after one week of using the same sheets. Pillowcases and sheets contained from 3 million to 5 million CFU-s (colony-forming-units) per square inch.
What they also found was that the four most common strains of bacteria within the colonies are known to cause skin irritation, rashes, ringworm and acne.

You need to wash your bedsheets every 3 days if you’d like to keep your face clean from the bacteria.

      3. Use vitamin C

Wrinkles and skin color contrast makes your skin look old and therefore unattractive. But this is where vitamin C comes to help.

Vitamin C has been proven to regulate melanin production. This is what is responsible for giving your skin tone color. If you want perfectly colored skin then vitamin C regulates melanin so it looks evenly balanced.

5. Hairmaxing

hair, hairmaxing, looksmax, looksmaxing

A mans hairstyle can completely change your face structure.
Here’s how to find the perfect hairstyle for your face shape.

But choosing a matching hairstyle isn’t enough. Hairmaxing is also about taking care of the hair. So here’s 3 steps to up your hair game.

      1. Shampoo every other day

If your hair looks greasy then it will be hard to manage. Shampooing every other day cuts out all that sweat, dirt and oil without over drying your scalp. 

      2. Use a Leave-in conditioner

We recommend to use it at night just before going to sleep. This gives your hair time to absorb the hydration. Giving you soft hair in the morning that’s easy to style.

If you don’t want to invest in a Leave-in conditioner then use a regular one instead. Use the regular conditioner right after you shower.

      3. Start Minoxidil early 

Studies have shown that the earlier you start taking care of your hair loss the more hair you get to keep. 

Obviously everyone loses their hair differently cause it is all down to genes but using Minoxidil can still help you save your hair for longer.

Minoxidil is a medication used for the treatment of high-blood pressure and pattern hair loss. It usually comes as an foam or lotion and you apply it to the hair every day.

6. Smellmaxing

cologne, smellmaxing, smell, looksmaxing, looksmax

Scent is something you can control in a matter of second and max out your attractiveness.

Woman’s sense of scent is connected to her olfactory bulb which is the area responsible for memory and emotions.

This means if you smell bad, that negative emotion you made her feel. She won’t forget that because every time she sees you, you will trigger that negative emotion.

But the same goes for if you smell great. The positive emotion of smelling great will never be forgotten and each time you see each other that positive interaction of scent comes up to her mind. 

To Smellmax a man needs to take these two steps if he wants to remain as a positive emotion for the ladies.

      1. Shower every morning

You need to remove all the dead skin, sweat and dirt which you built up during the day and sleep. Remember to use shampoo cause water only doesn’t get rid of all the dirt and sweat.

      2. Wear your favourite fragrance

Once you have showered you’re giving the fragrance clean skin to attach to. 

So after showering apply your favourite fragrance and you will smell unforgettable.

Looksmaxing summary

Here you have it, 6 ways to start Looksmaxing and begin the journey from being 2/10 creep to the masculine and attractive 10/10 man. 

But don’t be mistaken, just reading this isn’t going to get you there. You have to first, start with Looksmaxing and then persistently keep going even if you don’t see any results at first.

Good luck on Your Looksmaxing journey!

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