reset your brain

How to reset your brain for success? (4 best ways)

If you’re here, you are probably feeling incredibly stuck in your life. You have these incredible goals, dreams and aspirations, but you just don’t know how to accomplish them. Now if that is you, I need you to listen very closely, because right now, I’m going to be talking about how you can reclaim your life using the dopamine detox.

The base of How to Reset your Brain:

Now real quick, let me tell you the first place that you probably suck because most people think that they lack energy or they lack knowledge, aka the know-how, and that is why they are not where they want to be in life. Well, that’s actually wrong. The main thing that you are lacking is focus because when you are a person who has a lot of focus and can focus on a singular thing, then it’s very easy to actually get the know-how and the tangible knowledge needed to accomplish your goals.

And second, when you’re focusing on a singular task and you can do that for a long time, you really start to enjoy it. Now, how do you cultivate focus? And this is really where the dopamine detox comes in.

Because let me tell you the state of normal people right now. Most people on their desk, they have three different devices. They have an iPad, an iPhone, and a computer.

Each one has bell notifications going on while that’s running on a separate tab. They’ve got their Twitter feed running 24/7. You’re just constantly distracting yourself. That means that you need to work on your focus. And in order to work on your focus, you need to reset your dopamine levels. Now, I’m sure you guys have seen plenty of videos on YouTube about dopamine detoxes, what they are, what they can do for you, you know, how it can help you achieve your goals.

Reset your Brain with Dopamine Detox

So I’m going to show you exactly after the seven-day dopamine detox how to actually integrate this back into your life. Now, everyone might have varying opinions on how long you should actually do a dopamine detox.

For me personally, I think seven days is a good benchmark. And there are four key pillars to resetting your dopamine levels.

Now, you need to understand that a detox in itself insinuates that it’s going to be a short burst.

What is Dopamine Detox?

Dopamine detox is a hard reset that you press in order to reset your brain so that way you increase your capacity to focus, to be disciplined.

reset your brain

Reset your Brain with these 4 steps:

Now, for the next seven days, starting from tomorrow, here are the four things I need you to do in order to practice a dopamine detox.

1) Less Time on Phone

the first one is one hour a day of screen time on your phone.

Now, if you open up your phone right now, you can add your screen time as a widget onto your home screen. So, allow yourself one hour of screen time every day for the next seven days.

Maybe your job involves your phone for some reason, but most of the time it really doesn’t, so please don’t lie to yourself. And even if you need to use it for your work, just find some sort of workaround.

As I said, this isn’t something that you do for the rest of your life. This is really just something to reset the button.

Limit your screen time!


2) No Youtube

Now, next aspect of the seven-day reset is no YouTube, none whatsoever. I don’t care if you think it is productive and I’ve seen, I’d say, you know, 90% of people that watch self-improvement YouTube, watch it and are just self-help junkies, right?

To them, it feels like productive procrastination. Right? You’re still procrastinating.

You’re still not actually doing or accomplishing anything, but in your mind, you’re thinking that you’re watching videos on how to focus better while at the same time, you’re actually frying your focus. It’s actually quite ironic.

reset your brain

How to Use Youtube Correctly?

I will say YouTube is a very valuable place if used correctly. If you’re using Chrome, you can use a Chrome plugin and there are  many of them out there that basically hides YouTube recommendations.

That way, when you go into YouTube, the only thing that will show up is your subscriptions and it doesn’t offer any recommendations on the side. So, that way, you can be very specific about who you subscribe to and what content you take in so that way you are using YouTube productively, rather than just looking for the next hit of  self-help junkie videos.

That is a tangible tip that you can take after the seven days. But for the next seven days, and by the way. Cut it out, delete it from your iPhone, delete it from your iPad, and do not use it on your desktop.

3) No P*rn

Now, the third aspect of the seven-day reset is p*rn.

So, no sort of adult films, no 18+ stuff. None whatsoever. Now, probably many of you guys are so addicted, that you literally cannot not self-pleasure yourself. There’s no way around it. Don’t count the days that how long you’ve been without it. 

The more productive is to think yourself as the guy who doesn’t even do these activities. You’re better than that, because when you count the days you’ve been clear, then eventually you’ll lose the streak anyway.

cut it back as much as humanly possible. If you can do seven days without, perfect.

None of these Instagram baddies that all you guys follow. unless this is someone who you actually have a chance with, just unfollow all these Instagram models and stuff like that, because what’s even the point of that?

dopamine detox

4) Meditation is key

So, to reset your brain, you need to meditate for 10 minutes a day.

Just 10 minutes, that is it. Obviously, if you can do more, if you can do 20 minutes, 30 minutes, you know, an hour. If you can do 30 minutes, that’s incredible.

But, as said earlier, the goal is to set you guys up to win and actually accomplish all of these things. So, that is the fourth pillar, just 10 minutes a day of meditation.

For some, maybe even walking your dog in the forest might be helpful. Just choose a quiet and calm environment.

So, ladies and gentlemen, when you accomplish this for the next seven days, what it is really doing is just hitting the reset button. Things that before you found no enjoyment from, just looking at the view or just walking down the street with no music playing, right?

Just literally the sound of the street, you’re gonna derive pleasure from things like that when you didn’t before. Even just the 10 minutes a day of meditation, the first day, it’s gonna be super, super hard. But by day seven, you’re gonna be like, “I actually kind of enjoy this thing.” That’s what the dopamine detox does.

It’s gonna reset your brain.

You need to have more focus and in order to have more focus you need to find enjoyment in simple things.

2 thoughts on “How to reset your brain for success? (4 best ways)”

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