TikTok is bad

Why is TikTok not good for you? (Unlocking the Secrets)

TikTok is a big part of your daily routine and it has devastating consequences. You have fallen victim to today’s society’s attempt to rob you of your masculinity and here’s why:

1) TikTok Takes Away Your Motivation

The way that TikTok destroys your masculinity is that it gives you easy dopamine. In simple language, dopamine is the feeling of motivation inside of us when we feel motivated for something or pursue something.  That is dopamine, that is motivation.

When we overdo those dopamine activities like p*rn, TikTok, video games, junk food. It gives us this feeling of satisfaction right now, but it lowers the baseline of our motivation and dopamine afterward.

Imagine if we quantified it, that we had 70 motivation and 70 dopamine, but if we use TikTok, it would go up a little bit to 80. After we’re done using TikTok, the new baseline would be 50, 40, 30. But we use those points, like 30, as motivation to get hard work done.

Now you might be thinking, “Oh, you know, motivation is not even important. I just use discipline.” Okay, fair point, but having motivation is nice.  Discipline is fundamental; you need that in life. Discipline means that even if you don’t want to do something, you’ll still do it. You’re still going to the gym even if you don’t feel like it, instead of playing video games at home.

When you’ve got no motivation, you need discipline. But having motivation creates a great life. Wouldn’t you like to go and do that work while everyone else needs discipline? If you were motivated to do the work, it would just be way more fun.

Yet, many of us aren’t motivated to do the work because our dopamine receptors, like our capacity for motivation, have been fried, which means that your potential in life is lowered because you’re going to do less of that hard work. After all, you just don’t feel like it.

Now, to become masculine, one of the most important things is your work, your mission, that big goal that you’re striving for, the mission, the cause, the movements. Maybe you haven’t found yours just yet, but you keep hearing how important purpose goals and hard work are for men. But when you use something like TikTok, shorts, and p*rn, you fry your dopamine receptors so much that you just don’t feel like doing it anymore. And how sad is that?

If you were just 10% more motivated, that would be the difference between living an average life and a successful one. The amount of work you could get done with a little more motivation is limitless.

TikTok, sad

2) TikTok is Oversexualizing Your Brain

The second way that TikTok is destroying your masculinity is that it’s over-sexualizing your brain. Now, listen, it may be a little controversial, but we believe a man is supposed to be very sexual. We believe a man is supposed to have a lot of sexual thoughts and desires.

But it all comes down to what he does with this desire that determines the level of man that he is. The issue with TikTok is that when you get those sexual desires, you will often indulge in them. And in TikTok, it’d be very easy to relapse and to masturbate, because there’s a lot of attraction in every corner of this app.

It makes you sexualize but not in the right healthy way.

There’s the primal way to sexualize, for example. You go past an attractive woman and you don’t stare at her or anything like that because you don’t want to make the woman feel bad. There’s a moment when you kind of feel that build-up of energy inside of you. And if you breathe at the same time, it kind of enlivens you. And you know, you feel awesome. Most men would happily admit this.

Sometimes when you walk past like a beautiful feminine lady, you don’t even need to speak to her or even look at her much. You just feel alive. It’s a magical effect that women have. Feminine women can cause this bolt of rejuvenating excitement inside of a man. 

But that’s not the kind that we’re talking about here because the kind of sexualizing that your brain does when you’re addicted to TikTok, it’s not like this thing where we get the inspiration from a woman so that we can go and conquer our purpose and mission.

It’s more of this dirty gremlin, little goblin style of sexualizing where it makes you into this weird guy who’s just staring, he’s got like beady eyes looking at the woman, looking at her like an object. And you lose a lot of mystical enchantment that usually comes with feminine energy.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, if the words we’re using sound kind of strange to you right now, maybe it’s because you’ve consumed too much of this kind of content.

When your brain’s oversensitive as it is for many young men who are growing up in this age of degenerate music videos, degenerate artists, degenerate videos, degenerate movies, and degenerate social media, you feel dirty when your brain produces these sexual thoughts instead of enlivened.

When a man has good sexual energy, when he gets this sexual thought, when he gets lust, when he fantasizes, he feels really good and positive and loving. He feels energetic.

When you have this oversexualized effect, it makes you feel like a bad person. And think about that, how many times a day is your brain generating those sexual thoughts? Hundreds, right?

And yet you feel shame because of that because it’s dirtied what should have been this pure energy. We are beings of sexual energy. That’s a very important part for us of life.

And yet we’ve tainted it now with this degenerate culture. If you found yourself feeling quite shameful, if you found yourself feeling quite negative when it comes to sexuality, it’s because you’re conditioning yourself to be like this low-status, lonely loser

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